Everything about websites, the web and other webstuff

Love Emojis Expressing What Words Often Can’t
People use love emojis for various reasons, often to convey affection, warmth, or romantic feelings in digital communication. Love emojis specifically help to express sentiments that might be challenging to convey through words alone. Overall, love emojis serve as a convenient shorthand for expressing positive emotions related to love and affection in digital communication. Love […]
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What are the Top Coronavirus Inspired Emojis?
As COVID-19 spread across the world and people become more physically isolated, we will reach out more online. So, what are the top Coronavirus inspired Emojis being used at the moment? When we are worried we chat; we reach out to others and when words fail us, emojis do the talking. When we cant shake […]
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Dolly Parton Does it on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Tinder
Dolly Parton has understood the hearts and minds of her audience since she made her debut on the stage of the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tennessee in the 60’s- now she is doing it on Social Media. In the first month of 2020, this Boomer is tripping the light fantastic down the information superhighway […]
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Emoji Version 13.0 Coming Soon
BOLO! Emoji fans will be excited to know that Emoji Version 13.0 is available. This is the shortlisted set of emojis scheduled for release in 2020. Also known as Unicode 13.0, the upcoming release is planned for March 2020. A warning though, the emojis listed here are draft candidates and subject to change or removal, […]
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