
Do you know what the Top Three Emojis are?
Emojis aren’t just cute little symbols that we use on social media- they have their own translators, trackers, statistics- in fact there is an entire emoji eco-system.
I always wonder what the most used emojis are – I know that some say the plural for emoji is emoji, but I like to add an s to it.

As Japan Resumes Commercial Whaling I look at the Two Blue Whale Emojis
As Japan starts killing whales again under the guise of commercial whaling, I turn to the two whale emojis for a bit of comfort.
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Flag Emojis and 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia
You better be ready with your Flag Emojis as the FIFA World Cup 2018 is happening and there is nothing as embarrassing as getting your flags wrong. I mean how about you support Belgium and you post the German flag? I admit I do get a bit confused about which emoji to use. In fact […]
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Looking for the Perfect Emoji
I spend plenty of time looking for the perfect emoji. Especially as I only caught on to them about a year ago and often access them for social media on my smartphone. All around me I see that emojis now play a vital role in courtship, news alerts and social media. I’m sure they’re here […]
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What do the Different Colored Emoji Hearts mean?
I have a feeling you can get into big trouble if you use an Emoji heart that is the wrong color. Especially if you are using it to communicate with someone who has a fixed idea what all the different colors mean. As we say here in Durban, “You need to make sure you are […]
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